Welcome to the Virtual HealthCare Quality Centre, supported by the European Community pilot programme Leonardo da Vinci SK/03/B/F/PP - 177014 "Improvement of the Quality, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Healthcare services through Vocational Education and Training" and SK/06/B/F/PP - 177443 "Vocational Education and Training for Quality of Life through e-Healthcare & Well-Being"
We hope that with the help of our glossary, courses, manuals, consultations and other tools you are able to satisfy and gain the loyalty of your patients/clients and, as a result, ensure the successful functioning of your healthcare organisation.
The mission of the Virtual HealthCare Quality Centre is to allow managers, doctors, researchers and other healthcare personnel obtain the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary to develop the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of their healthcare organisations, so as wide public, including aurally and visually impaired individuals to allow improvement of well being factors and quality of life.
The Virtual HealthCare Quality Centre´s objectives split into several service of focus. These include: